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Health assessments and exercise optimisation

About This Service

A central focus is to ensure the same level of expert care given to elite sports teams and athletes is also available to individuals of all backgrounds. Whether a weekend warrior, aspiring gymnast, or a 12-year-old learning to play football, every brain and body deserves to be kept safe and healthy. 

Your unique circumstances, age, and the requirements of your sport all play a crucial role in shaping your treatment plan. Balancing the recovery aspects of your injury, performance goals, avoidance of repeat injury and long term health goals are all important to take into consideration at any age or level of sports.

Some considerations may include:

  • Elite contact sports often conduct pre-season concussion testing. In the event of a concussion, this facilitates quicker and safer return-to-sport clearance, while also enabling ongoing monitoring for potential long-term changes.
  • As specialised physicians, by effective communication with your physiotherapist, dietitian, and coaches as needed, we can assist you in achieving your goals, while also evaluating conditions such as potential cardiac concerns, low iron or relative energy deficiencies.
  • Recognising potential risks enables us to provide targeted exercise recommendations. This may involve strategies to minimise the risk of future hamstring tears, preventive measures for ACL injuries, or the management of chronic groin overload.
  • Cardiac risk evaluation and heart checks are another standard requirement for all high-level athletes, aged 16-35. A simple ECG and cardiac examination to assess for any risk or concerning athlete-specific heart changes. Although such incidents are extremely rare, this is a crucial aspect of ensuring your safety.

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